"Catching Moles Opens Doors"

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9

Mentorship and discipleship take on many forms as we meet different people and learn their life stories. One of the interesting people God has brought in our path recently is a young man who came from a poor family and struggled to attend school. When asked if we could share his story, he replied. “please go ahead and share my story! It’s a powerful reminder of God’s creative provision.”

 A headmaster of a school, who had a problem with moles in his Irish potato field noticed how hard working this young man is. He asked the young man, “Gad, can you catch those moles?” Being resourceful and a good problem-solver, he used a string and small bendable stick to capture all the moles, transport them, and save the Irish potato crop. Impressed, the headmaster helped him get back in school. Later on he offered to exchange a job as a cook for the school for tuition so the young man ended up finishing high school and going on to university. Today he has a Master's degree in Social Work. So you never know what God is going to do in your life to open doors that provide the help you need.

As Margaret ministers to people helping them understand their God-given skills, she learns their stories and God opens doors to share spiritually.

Recently God has been bringing people to us to mentor and disciple both in the US and in Uganda. It's been an exciting journey we wanted to share with you.

The Bible fund has provided Bibles to two different ministry leadership teams in Uganda. Both teams provide spiritual and technical training to single mothers and youth wanting to support themselves financially. After a year of training, they have jobs along with a sound spiritual foundation.  The Life Application Bibles provide a personal tool as part of a holistic approach.

The Life Application Bibles are offered to individuals we mentor. As we disciple a young person, we ask “What do they think about Jesus? Are they saved and understand the Gospel… that Jesus died for our sins and rose from the dead so if we believe and repent from our sins, we will have eternal life with Him in heaven.” The Bibles help them go deeper so they learn more about the Lord.

We wanted to let you know how personal this discipleship ministry is, even hearing back from students that we have mentored years ago as far back as 2008. Many are getting married and having children as we continue to live life together. What a huge blessing and something that we take seriously. Everyone needs encouragement.

Thank you. We appreciate you standing with us and supporting the Rock Outreach. It's making a difference in the lives of people both here and in Uganda one person at a time.

With grateful hearts,

Mark and Margaret

"Transforming and Encouraging the World One Person At A Time"

There’s a lot of hope even though we are living in a world where things seem to be upside down and crazy. You are making a difference in the lives of people here as well as in Uganda as you support us through The Rock.

The Rock continues the Life Application Bible fund for new believers in Uganda and we are finding their distribution helpful in the US as well. The Freedom in Christ materials also are shared as part of our discipleship ministry. God is expanding our mission field using our gifts of hospitality and discipleship. We are blessed to be part of First Baptist Dallas with a mission of “transforming our world with God’s Word…one life at a time.”

The emphasis of being in relationships with people one on one as we teach and disciple through the Bible is rich. Whether they're here in the US with Freedom in Christ discussions individually, on Zoom, or on WhatsApp in Uganda, God is expanding our relationships. When you think about it, the way lives are transformed, it's one person at a time. We find that God is putting new people in our path to minister to each week. Whether it's a young woman in her 20s here who needs a job; two Uganda engineering students studying in Turkey, trying to figure out their God-given skills; or an older person who is going through trials and wants freedom from the past. Mark gets referred by Freedom in Christ Ministries on a regular basis as an encourager to pray and study Biblical ways with others to be spiritually free.

Since January it has been a delight to share the Freedom in Christ message hosting dinners in our home with up to 32 people on the first Friday of every month. Zoom calls are going on weekly for both of us. Some are with Ugandans and some with the Freedom in Christ team. 

First Friday Fellowship in May with a pinata for Cinco de Mayo was a blast. Each month we have an ethnic meal depending on the theme. Our message of encouragement is always related to our Identity in Christ and who God says we are...we are secure, accepted and significant.

In April, we launched a newly formed group of Ugandans we mentored who are now studying, living and working in North America. We meet monthly by Zoom to share, encourage, and pray for each other. Our discussions are a blessing to all of us. Being able to share with fellow Ugandans their experiences in living in a new land along with bouncing ideas off us has been informative. Spiritually we are able to encourage them to stand on The Rock of Jesus as they encounter an anti-Christian culture.

Uganda Christian University has an exchange program with Aksaray University in Turkey. Rodney is a civil engineering student in his final year. Recently he contacted Margaret for career guidance. Through WhatsApp she has been able to help him learn his God-given skills, create a professional resume, and improve his LinkedIn account.

After we finished he asked if I would help Faith another engineering student in Turkey as well. The main reason students don't get 

jobs is because people don't know they are available and competent. Helping them present themselves with quantiative skills in their resume and discussing the importance of being grateful to those who have been part of your life is important. Her appproach is part of the discipleship process we use to help each person realize they are unique and significant.

Margaret continues to work with Uganda Christian University Honours students and alumni on a weekly basis. We discuss their careers, relationships, graduate school applications, God’s will for their lives and temptations they are facing. Recently she was asked to volunteer as part of the team that produces the campus newspaper and stories for Uganda Partners (the US based 501c3 supporting the university special projects) while an editor is on a three-month sabbatical. 

We are praying regarding ministry donations, which are down 42.7 percent year to date from 2023. If you are led to stand in the gap with us we would really appreciate it.

We couldn't do what we do without your prayers and support.

With Grateful Hearts,

Mark and Margaret

"A Time And Season For Everything"

With Texas flowers blooming ahead of time in March this year, we are reflecting about God’s blessing of ushering in a refreshing new season of ministry for The Rock.

Solomon writes “There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens.” (Eccl 3:3.)  

In Verse 22 he adds, “So I saw that there is nothing better for a person than to enjoy their work, because that is their lot. For who can bring them to see what will happen after them?”

We have enjoyed widening the reach of the ministry’s discipleship and teaching in Dallas and the surrounding area while also maintaining and expanding relationships in Uganda through Zoom and WhatsApp.

Our prayers continue to be answered as we ask the Lord to bring people to whom He wants us to minister.  

Mark currently facilitates a 10-week Freedom In Christ course on Zoom to encourage believers and their families. Each month we host our multi-generational Sunday school class First Friday Fellowship at our home. We encourage with "identity in Christ scripture verses", have some great food, and pray. In addition Mark has been an "encourager" leading elders, a pastor and others through the "Steps to Freedom in Christ."

This is a biblical approach to affirming spiritual truth over deception and overcoming unforgiveness, lack of submission, pride, behavioral bondage and generational strongholds. Each week he facilitates a small men's group Bible study.


Ugandan students continue to refer friends and family each week to Margaret to help them understand their practical God-given skills and how to incorporate them into their career strategies.

Couples we have mentored in the past have requested discussions about practical issues related to marriage.  Several couples have reached out for advice about attending school while being married in foreign countries. God is providing opportunities to disciple in practical ways, weaving Biblical solutions into our discussions.

The Life Application Bibles provided by The Rock  through generous donors have been a huge blessing to new believers at Uganda Christian University as the chaplaincy does evangelistic outreaches.

The stories are so encouraging and the people continue to multiply.  Thank you for supporting the ministry so we can continue being spiritual and emotional resources for people needing someone to listen and share about our identity in Christ. The one on one discipleship ranges from students needing help with resumes, women finding themselves pregnant and choosing life, couples wanting information about how to navigate financial challenges in marriage to adapting to life outside their home country. And in the US,  elders and pastors wanting to start community freedom ministries to lay firm identity foundations in their churches.

Be encouraged because you are making a difference in the lives of many people in the US and abroad. We are grateful to be serving one person at a time.

Excited and joyful about what God is doing,


Mark and Margaret  

"A Gift Of Faith Is Confidence"

Merry Christmas!

As we celebrate God’s greatest gift to us in His Son Jesus, we also should appreciate the accompanying gift of faith. 

Without it, Christmas is relegated to Santa Claus, commercialism and time off with family. And we are left without faith's beautiful accompaniment – hope.

Our ultimate hope is eternal life in heaven, achieved by faith in Jesus and the atoning blood He shed for our sins.

“For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God.” (Eph 2:8)

By faith we also have hope for our remaining time on earth.

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Heb 11:1

Through faith we have confidence in God’s character and love as revealed in His Word to see us through the uncertainties of life.

This faith in God’s providence and care has brought us through many challenges and changes in our ministry. As stated in Romans 8:28, He has always used our circumstances for our good and His glory.

Here’s wishing your Christmas is filled with joy and God’s perspective.

With love and appreciation as we stand with you focusing on our faith and hope for the future, 


Mark and Margaret 

A Recap of 2023


2023 has been a year of expanding one on one discipleship for Margaret and Mark. Margaret is assigned two students from Uganda Christian University Honors College each term to mentor remotely, in addition each week more students are referred to her for resume writing as they continue to gain confidence in their God-given skills. Sponsors of university students are requesting assistance in navigating their sponsored child’s future which has been a new thing. Mark continues discipling one on one, doing Freedom in Christ Zoom calls. He is a resource for facilitating studies in the US and UG using several books embracing our identity in Christ. 


"A Choice For Eternity"

24 “Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.  John 5:24

Be encouraged. Even though we are experiencing unfathomable evil in the world, God is revealing to us the sense of urgency about sharing His gift of salvation and restoration. God didn’t create the world to be full of evil but filled with good. Making choices that honor God seems to be at the heart of our conversations and discipleship.

God gives us choices so our relationship with Him is real, not robotic.

This year has been one of exciting changes. Kingdom View in Uganda is continuing to have 20-30 students weekly at movie night. During mission week the balance of our Life Application Bibles were distributed by Christopher in the Uganda Christian University chaplain’s office. Part of our continued work in Uganda is providing Life Application Bibles to people wanting to go deeper in the Word along with remotely preparing people to understand their identity in Christ. Click here to donate to Bible Resources.

Margaret continues to mentor Honors College students assigned to her each term. Mark is active with Freedom in Christ Ministry, encouraging, listening to people one on one and available for small group Bible studies. God continues to open doors to both of us as we bridge the gap between students and their sponsors from a variety of organizations.

We realize we can’t change the world ourselves but we can impact and help people one person at a time. The joy we experience from this helps us cope and focus on shining a light.

So often we forget where evil comes from and live in a state of deception. God wants us to see things from His perspective which is illustrated in the Bible. It supports a true worldview that is trustworthy, loving and just.

Recently we heard author Lee Stroebel speak and his message was direct. Do we believe in what Jesus did on the cross for us in our hearts or just our heads? Do we accept the gift of forgiveness and restoration? Have we become a child of God as an outcome of acceptance of His gift? To know in our hearts that we are going to heaven 100%, we must choose to believe, receive and become. Without all three the transaction is incomplete. 

John 1:12 says,

Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.

Stroebel says essentially, then, the formula for becoming adopted into God’s family is:

Believe + Receive = Become.

Stroebel mentioned even the demons believe. If we truly love people we will share and pray that they choose to have eternal life in heaven. We need to realize we all live eternally in one place or another. The choice must be made before we die as described in the Bible

https://www.biblestudytools.com/topical-verses/bible-verses-about-life-after-death/. Randy Alcorn’s Biblically based book, Heaven is very encouraging.

My question to those who haven’t completed the three parts of the transaction, what is the down side of accepting this gift? 

Let’s make it a point to share the good news of Jesus to people God puts in our path before it is too late. We have been convicted that we haven’t been more bold and courageous about this but time may be getting closer than we realize. So many signs and other things are complete. We don’t know exactly when but let’s be prepared. 

Sending our love and encouragement as we stand with you in preparation.

Please contact us so we know how to pray for you and others in your families.

Mark and Margaret 

"Exciting Outcomes Inquiring of the Lord"

Then David inquired of the Lord, saying "Shall I go up against the Philistines? Will you give them into my hands?" And the Lord said to David, "Go up, for I will certainly give the Philistines into your hand."
2 Samuel 5:19


Life is a real adventure as we inquire of the Lord. Often we pray, “God, please bring the people to us you want us to help.”

Inquiring of the Lord is at the forefront of all our decisions. It is amazing what God does when we ask for guidance and wait to see what He wants us to do next.

When we traveled back to the US from Uganda we wondered what was ahead. God’s showing us many open doors and closed doors as we transition to new things.

God is always connecting the dots.

A friend from Watermark Church contacted me to help a Ugandan youth she sponsored for years. The student had finished school and was no longer sponsored. After searching for her sponsor, the young woman found her on social media. She desperately needed emotional and spiritual help as the result of a trauma. She was suicidal and had no where to turn. Margaret and the sponsor were able to connect to her on Whats App. After discovering the details, Margaret suggested a plan to get help in Uganda and put her sponsor in touch sharing a weekly Bible Study on-line. Margaret felt the study would help draw them closer together and provide healing for the young woman's heart. Margaret agreed to help her with her resume and have a Ugandan friend introduce her to a small group of women in Navigators close to where she lived in Uganda. She told us she wanted to be a barista so we are exploring her options. We are so grateful to God she is recovering.

Another amazing story started with a wedding announcement of two students we mentored at Uganda Christian University and a 12 year old letter. They were just good friends at the time but romance bloomed.

Elizabeth, who is an industrial designer/artist, sent Margaret a message she was getting married and guess who it was? Simon Peter is his name. Both received help with their resumes and completed a class" Problem-solving God’s Way" from The Rock. As Margaret chatted with them Simon Peter asked for help finding his sponsor. He lost track and wanted to show his appreciation. The family was from Dallas, the father worked for JP Morgan, his wife was named Sarah and they had two daughters and one son. I called a friend, mentioned the name of the family and she knew the family. God is amazing!

Simon Peter’s grandmother had been contacted two weeks earlier about a letter for Simon Peter from his Compassion sponsor. The Ugandan postal system is very different from the U.S. With amazement he read the letter and realized it had been lost for years. Their youngest child was two years old at the time the letter was written. Now the son is 14 years old. When Margaret chatted with Sarah in Dallas, she mentioned there were many letters written but apparently not received over the years. Simon Peter is so grateful being reunited with his sponsors.

Simon Peter and Elizabeth are just a few of the over 600 graduates of Uganda Christian University who have been mentored over the years. To read more about the 600, click here.

Mark participated in a mission trip to Guatemala, where his mission work began more than 20 years ago. The banner was used as a camp visual aid and is about being accepted, secure and significant as believers in Jesus. Our identity in Christ is foundational. The Rock donated the banner and Spanish Life Application Bibles to the discipleship ministry there. Below are pictures of the Guatemala team from Dallas and Mark's group of children.

Mark finished his certification with Freedom in Christ and is scheduling Freedom appointments as he receives referrals. The Rock also provided a Community Freedom Curriculum to a friend’s church in Grand Rapids. He had shared with them the discipleship tools when he visited. Embracing the concepts, they were excited to implement it at their church. The freedom tools which are Biblical help us deal with all kinds of challenges in life. It is a practical way to embrace being more than a conqueror with Jesus.

Margaret continues working with people needing help understanding their God-given skills, resumes and healing from past hurts both in Uganda and Dallas. This week she has eight students in Uganda needing career assistance and the students continue to refer their friends to her.

Part of our continued work in Uganda is providing Life Application Bibles to people wanting to go deeper in the Word along with remotely preparing people to understand their identity in Christ. Click here to donate to Bible Resources.

Sharing our joy and appreciation,

Mark and Margaret